Client Testimonials

  • 3 month transformation

    Working with Ashley was the missing puzzle piece to all the work I had done on myself for yearssss leading up to it. Her approach to healing, transformation, and manifestation really work! With these specific healing modalities and through the way that Ashley coaches, mentors, and holds space, we were able to GO THERE… into the depths and into the roots of what was still holding me back from becoming the best version of me!

    I have truly never felt THIS GOOD about life and about myself. This energy has been present since working with her over 7 months ago! And all of my intentions and manifestations from the our time together have come to fruition. I also am in the healthiest, safest, and most trusting relationship I have ever been in. This man sees, loves, and holds all of me and that’s because I have been able to do that for myself, and therefore have aligned with a conscious partner who could in return. I truly have the life I want and it’s because we cleared out the leftover blocks that were standing in the way of me and my dream life!!

    Do not pass up the chance to work with Ashley. Life is magical. Life is peaceful. This work is so profound. And it’s so liberating to live this way. I cannot express enough how impactful this was on my self-worth, my confidence, and my business. Best money I have ever spent has been working with Ashley!

    Ash 34

  • 3 month transformation

    Working with Ashley was a life changing experience- she is a true healing queen! I knew when I decided to work with her, I would finally be getting in touch with some very specific areas of trauma I still hadn’t been able to reach after almost a decade of doing ‘the work’ in different healing modalities. And ohhhh did we! This work allowed me to make massive strides in just a few weeks that I have been trying to heal for years.

    Ashley has a calm and empathetic presence that made me feel so safe to open up and be deeply seen. Over the course of the time we worked together, I was able to heal so much trauma and reprogram so much of my limiting subconscious programming. And as a result, I have a completely new reality and fell in love with this new version of me. I went from still harboring unconscious fear of rejection and abandonment to manifesting several aligned dating experiences and breaking through new plateaus in financial abundance.

    Her approach allowed me to fully see and love all parts of myself and gave me the tools to continue to cultivate that relationship myself. I recommend working with her fully, she’s an angel on this earth!

    Caitlin, 32

  • 3 month transformation

    It’s honestly hard for me to put into words what this experience has done for me and my innerchild who has been hurting for 32 years. This container was the most healing and expansive thing I have ever experienced. I started working with Ashley as the version of me who doubts herself, questions herself, and abandons herself. And now, I am the version of me that I have always desired to be. I believe in myself and my work, I have forgiven myself for my past choices, and I am unapologetic af in who I am and how I show up and it feels sooo liberating! I knew this version of me was always inside of me- one that I admire, respect, and love so much- I just needed to come back home to myself and remember.

    Since working with her, I have been fierce in my boundaries and I no longer feel guilty for setting boundaries and choosing myself. I have way more confidence in my business and myself. And I unapologetically own my unique style as a photographer which was something I didn’t before working with Ashley. I’ve been sober from alcohol for over 90 days. I am more present with my kids than I ever have been! I OWN that I am a great mother and do not let outside influences try to project any of their “stuff” onto me. Truly the list goes on….I have the unfuckwithable confidence and self-worth I longed for for so long. I am accepting of where I came from and I am more certain than ever of where I am going and what I am building. I never expected to heal my childhood wounds in this way, but I am so glad I did. There was SO much there that I had avoided, suppressed, and blocked out from my childhood, which honestly kept me in a state of suffering my whole life and I was SICK OF IT.

    Because of this experience, I have been set free and liberated from my past that haunted me for so long. I finally feel safe to live the life I deserve and to be the woman I want to be because I was given the safe space to let go and move forward. I am no longer a prisoner to my past…. I know that I am enough. I believe that I am worthy. And I own that I am lovable- and that is so much more than I could say before working with Ashley. I hope everyone gets a chance to heal and expand in this way because it is absolutely life-changing!

    Anonymous, 32

  • 3 month transformation

    I had the amazing opportunity of working with Ashley and experiencing her gentle and loving guidance. With no exaggeration, I have to say it was one of the most cathartic, beautiful, healing, and life changing experiences of my life. As someone who has suffered from chronic depression and anxiety for years and have switched multiple psychiatrists and prescription medications in hopes of achieving some level of control over the illness, this experience took me a lot further in my healing journey than any professional MD or prescription medication has.

    I’ve felt euphoric everyday since working with Ashley and truly have never felt this good! I even went off of my meds that I had been on for years, and I finally feel like the version of me that I always desired to be. The healing benefits of this container and Ashley's coaching and guidance is THE gateway to healing, inner peace, and transformation, so if you struggle with mental health, this journey with Ashley is definitely the route for you! Ashley's methodical approach to seek answers and unravel layers and layers of trauma/childhood wounding to identify the root of my issues helped me have multiple breakthroughs and gain a better insight to my challenging past so I could finally let go and heal and grow in ways that I never was able to before this experience.

    I have been recommending this healing and transformation journey to everyone I know because it’s THAT GOOD and because my life truly changed in just a few months. If you get the chance to work with Ashley, do not hesitate!

    Anonymous 40

  • 3 month transformation

    Before I started working w Ashley, I had so many limiting beliefs holding me back from being my most authentic and happy self. I was still holding on to fear and shame without fully realizing it.

    Working together stretched me to go inward and dig deeper. It was scary and uncomfortable at times, but I felt so safe in going there because Ashley held the most beautiful and safe space and made me feel seen every moment of this journey. All of me was always welcome on our calls and everything that needed to be worked through came up at the perfect time. Ashley supported me in between our calls and gave me tools to process and offered me embodiment practices to help me tap into the energy of the me I desire to become.

    This journey was my homecoming. I remembered who I am and what I am capable of and I no longer shrink myself in order to belong or be liked. I truly came home to myself and feel so safe and at peace with myself. That on its own is such a gift to see all parts of me and love each one. I am eternally grateful to have had Ashley guide and support me on this journey. I unleashed myself from that cage that held me back for so long and I came out ROARING - I feel free, wild, brave, and fully expressed! If you are feeling lost, stuck, or disconnected from yourself, I highly recommend working with Ashley. Dopest coach and person ever!

    Melissa, 24

  • 3 month transformation

    Ashley and I worked together first a couple of years ago, and it was game changing for me (to say the least). After the first time working with her, I became reengaged to my own life and stepped into my deserving energy. Needless to say, this was not the end of us working together, but really just the beginning of my own journey of sobriety.

    Choosing to get sober was a culmination of many things (as it usually is) but I had learned through working with Ashley that "what resists, persists," and alcohol was something in my life that was causing my pain to persist and only get louder. And it was totally dimming my shine. And I spent my whole life watering myself down and turning to alcohol because of the inauthenticity I was constantly experiencing within myself. After getting sober, and sustaining that sobriety for about 7 months, it was time to address some of the left over debris that one would think getting sober clears away. Spoiler alert- getting sober just makes it easier for you to identify your shit because you are no longer numbing.

    Choosing to work with Ashley again and embark on this transformational path was an easy decision because I trust her implicitly and I am constantly impressed with all the work she does on herself. I mean, have you met her? Who doesn’t want to glow like that?! She is embodied in her work, which is why she can guide women out of the dark and into the light because she has walked this path herself.

    To no surprise, this journey was challenging. But the best and most rewarding things always are. Dealing with my limiting beliefs and blocks has been crucial to my growth this year, and this container and space that Ashley holds was such a beautiful and healing way to address the root causes of my trauma. This work has affirmed my divine knowingness and inner power and has given me so much inner peace. Being able to address the root of the things that have desperately held me back from my full divine potential has been so liberating and rewarding. The practices she has shared are the continuum and are things I truly love to do. I feel so much more connected to myself, clear, purposeful, and most importantly - UNFUCKWITHABLE in my confidence! Ashley, you’re an angel!!

    Annie, 34

  • 6 month transformation

    My journey started with Ashley after losing myself during Covid. Being a mom of three and a full-time business owner, covid took a piece of me that I so desperately wanted back. I became snappy towards my family and I was just so sad and unfulfilled with my life. I didn’t recognize myself and started to dislike the person I had become. I knew I needed help coming back to myself, so I set up a phone call with Ashley. And because of her energy and how safe she made me feel within minutes, I immediately knew I wanted to work with her!

    6 months later, I have become the woman I dreamt about for so long! Throughout my coaching journey, we worked through my childhood wounding, overcame so many negative limiting beliefs I had about myself, completely rewired my belief system into something positive and magnetic, and focused on becoming more present. All of this led to me manifesting sooo many things that we had set out to manifest in our very first session!

    My manifestations are unbelievable! I have manifested everything I wanted for my family and myself w so much ease! In just 6 months, we have become debt free, moved into our dream home, and I have created a beautiful core group of girlfriends, which is something I dreamt of having since I was 16.

    I am SO happy w myself and my life now, and I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for Ashley caring about me, listening to me, being a safe space for me, and helping me stay on track. I truly have my confidence back and it’s stronger than ever! I am so proud of myself for how I continued to show up throughout this process. This is also the first time in my life that I stuck with something and completed it, and it was really Ashley’s love, compassion, grace, patience, and leadership that kept me accountable.

    Ashley believed in me, cheered me on, and called me out (in a gentle and loving way) when I needed to because she knew how capable I am! I will never forget this experience and I will always be proud of myself for investing in myself in this way. Making this investment was not only the best thing I ever did for myself, but it has positively impacted my family and we are the happiest we have ever been!

    Jessica 39

  • 9 month transformation

    My journey with Ashley was unique in that I've worked with her not only once, but twice for a total of 9 months!

    After working with Ashley for the first time, I was able to fiercely love myself on a daily basis- something that seemed so foreign to me prior to working w her. With the work we did together, I turned a devastating heartbreak into my power. I recovered from losing my job and making a complete career shift where I started my own business. My whole life I had dreamed of being a dance and yoga teacher and body healer, and with my new main character energy, I finally had the confidence and belief in myself to do it! I also went from sleeping in a living room to having my own space. Life became really freaking great!

    I spread my wings and was loving life as this new, empowered version of me! And about 1 year after finishing our first coaching contract, my life was faced with a whole new set of challenges, so I decided to work with her again, trusting that she could help me take my healing and dreams even further. I will be honest that the second time we worked together, the work we did together was so different. It was deep. It was more spiritual based. It was definitely challenging as we did more work with my innerchild and childhood wounds. But it was powerful! And of course, Ashley being who she is makes this deep work playful, fun, magical, and gentle. I had never experienced healing in this way and had never done this deep of work on myself, and because of the beautiful healing work we did together, I am now engaged to the man of my dreams, living together in paradise, and even more soul aligned in my purpose and career than I was 1 year ago.

    During my very first visualization exercise with Ashley, I saw myself engaged (to the man I am engaged to now!), on a warm beach, healing and leading others on a daily basis. And I woke up today, amazed and grateful that my visualization is now reality. And my reality is an absolute dream come true. Literally!

    The work, works sis! There will never be a better investment than the one you make in yourself. With Ashley's unique coaching, you can truly take your soul to the next LEVEL.

    Alexa 30

  • 6 month transformation

    Ashley came into my life, I was lost & exhausted. I am a full-time mom and business owner. Covid really took a toll on my mental health, and I started to notice that i was constantly telling myself I wasn't good enough and I needed to do better. I was really unhappy and frustrated w myself and ready for a change.  

    Ashley was a bright light from the moment I started working with her! She made me feel so heard and seen and hopeful when we first met which is why I decided to work w her and soon realized coaching was the best investment I had ever made in myself!

    During our process, when I would steer off course, Ashley would gently guide me back & encourage me to keep going. When we were doing the innerchild and limiting belief work, it was hard and I was sad and tired for a few weeks, but Ashley believed in me so much and never gave up on me. She was so gentle w my heart while I was shedding so much of my past. With her kindness and compassion, I was able to be vulnerable week after week, which allowed me to heal so many past wounds that were keeping me stuck in unhealthy patterns. Ashley helped me transform into a happier, healthier, and more certain version of myself. In addition to having a major mindset shift, my communication with my partner and family has improved tremendously, my self-esteem is higher & I feel good again!   

    Ashley is absolutely wonderful to work with. She's professional, kind, funny, open and has so many tools to help you break out of the darkness and find the light again. You also feel confident graduating from the program because the practices have become habitual and are things you can use in your everyday life.  

    If you're willing to be vulnerable and want to see a shift in your life, work w Ashley- trust me just DO IT! It was a magical, transformative experience and I would absolutely do it all over again! 

    Summer 45

  • 6 month transformation

    Wow! ! I don’t even know where to begin on the transformation I have experienced since working w Ashley. Her responsiveness, love, and light poured into me each and every week that we met and because of that, I felt sooo supported and held as we worked through some tough, yet necessary stuff. 

    I came to Ashley because I was in a really negative headspace and had a lot of anxiety in the midst of parenting, building a business, and trying to live life. But I was barely surviving and knew I needed help to get out of the constant fight or flight!

    I had ambitious goals for my new business but didn’t feel confident or good enough to achieve those goals. Imposter syndrome would constantly take over w thoughts of “how could I possibly achieve this?!” I am notoriously so hard on myself and I tend to focus on the negative over the positive, which leads me down deep spirals that create chaos in my nervous system and keeps me from living in the present moment. Living like this was actual torture because my confidence and belief in myself were deteriorating, so that’s why I started working w Ashley.

    While working together, we really dug deep into my negative belief system and identified where a lot of unhealthy programming was coming from. We did so much powerful work around my childhood wounding so that we could reprogram my beliefs which gave me much more of a positive mindset w everything. With this upgraded belief system and way of thinking, I gained so much confidence and managed to crush all of my goals! And because my energy is different, I have attracted incredible people to work with/for who are more aligned w me and my work. Nothing feels forced anymore!

    Personal and spiritual growth wasn’t the easiest for me. I had been an overachiever my whole life (as a trauma response to childhood) and would get fixated on hitting goals, which left it nearly impossible for me to ever be in the present moment w anything or anyone. I also used to seek external validation for confirmation that I am doing a good job and I was never giving myself any credit or taking time to be proud of me. After working with Ashley, I was able to shift my energy from feeling the need to hit goal after goal and instead be more present w where I am at in my journey. And this had made me really pause and recognize how badass I am because I am taking the time to soak it all in. I now show up as the best version of myself have seen tremendous changes towards becoming more joyful in the mundane tasks of life. I am so much more patient with my kids and my husband. I am more present in the moment and so much more confident in myself- I truly know what I have to offer! I have definitely activated my inner power and it feels incredible!

    I graduated from the program w so many practices to help me destress, release emotions, and  stay in my power. I used to live in fight or flight, but I experience calm on a regular basis now and life and business are so much easier in this state. I am SO grateful!

    Ashley has completely changed my life in just six months. Working w her is a no brainer if you get the chance. Trust me when I say, you are worth investing in!

    Haley 34

  • The Breakthrough Experience: 1 Month Mentorship

    Ashley is a true bad a$$ coach! We worked together for 1 month in the Breakthrough Experience and it was truly pivotal in my life! I decided to work with Ashley because I have been on my self-growth & healing journey for a while, but had been feeling super stuck. Having that 1:1 direct support from Ashley was amazing because she was able to give me the safe space to share while also responding to my direct needs/questions.

    Before working w her, I was always trying to change things about myself and found myself doing, doing, doing- it was exhausting! Through her provoking questions and mentorship I realized what I needed most was to JUST BE and let the magic of life unfold around me. Before working with her I had spent time wondering why I felt so lost when I was doing work on myself, and after working with her I learned to soak in the process and gave myself the permission to go inwards.

    Ashley was supportive and celebrated my wins, asked me all the right questions, and challenged me to dig deeper… which is why I now feel like a whole new person! It’s so amazing what just one month of mentorship with Ash did for my life. I am more sure of myself than I have ever been, I have slowed down and learned to appreciate this season of my life while being present, and I’ve become my own dream girl! I feel so much peace and clarity in my life, which is something I don’t think I have full felt ever! This month was life-changing and I know this won’t be the last time I work with Ashley because she is SO GOOD!

    Melissa, 28

  • The Breakthrough Experience: 1 Month Mentorship

    If you’ve been seeking support and empowerment from a babe who lives and breathes what she teaches, seek no further than Ashley!  I reached out to Ashley when I was in need of necessary, overdue changes in my life. During our month together, she was always there to help me with whatever I was going through. Any time I reached out for support, she was extremely quick to respond with a well-thought out questions that allowed me to have my “breakthrough moments” that I was hoping to receive from this container. And I always, always, always felt like she made me a priority.  She had incredible insight, provided actionable steps that made me feel empowered and confident, and she reached out frequently to check in with which kept me accountable.

    Having her there to cheer me on and build me up helped me infinitely which enabled me to show up more powerfully and confidently in my personal life and business. She is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom because she has the experience of doing the work herself and knows what it takes to get to the other side of confidence, clarity & success!

    By the end of just one month working together, my relationship w my partner was stronger, I was much more confident in myself and decisions, I moved to a new state, and got hired for a new job that I am super aligned with and passionate about! Ashley is the real deal and I would recommend her coaching and services to anyone seeking a transformative breakthrough!

    Bailey 36