Hi babes! I’m Ashley.

Mentor, Coach, Healer, Leader, She-E-O, Medicine Priestess, Workshop & Retreat Facilitator, Free Spirit, Digital Nomad, and Master Manifestor.



One of my greatest gifts is reminding women of their divine, inner power! Through my coaching, I help women overcome their past and heal from childhood wounds. I use neuroscience and quantum science to help woman rewire their subconscious programming so they can operate from a new, LIT belief system and become MAGNETIC to the life of their dreams. This work is based in law of attraction and it’s SO fun! This is THE work that holds the keys to your dream life! Are you ready to unlock it?!

How my journey started…

My story started at 21 when I found myself stuck in an extremely mentally, emotionally, and physically abusive relationship. And if you have been there, you know that it’s so hard to leave. Being in an abusive relationship made me so detached from the fun, joyful, confident, vibrant girl that I used to be. I finally found the courage to leave, but unfortunately that experience was the start of many toxic and destructive cycles to follow.

I was constantly seeking external validation from the outside world- jobs, men, sex, friends, and accolades- rather than looking inward to love and validate myself. I had little self-worth. I worked job after job that sucked the soul out of me. I partied and made poor decisions throughout my entire 20s because I was so miserable. And I kept attracting more bad and unwanted things, people, and situations into my life. This just fueled my anger, anxiety, and depression and left me feeling more unworthy, unloveable, empty, and stuck. I was spiraling with no end in sight. I didn’t even recognize myself and I certainly didn’t love the girl I saw when I looked it the mirror. This broke my heart… I was exhausted and defeated! These cycles went on for 10 years, and I knew deep down in my soul that the way I was living my life wasn’t “it!”

So that’s when I looked inward and realized that the only one who could turn my life around was ME. I decided to go deep and do the real inner work…

Transformation and Evolution

Fast forward 10 years later when I finally woke up! My soul had been awakened, and let me just say…. WOW!

I realized I had been doing life all wrong and saw so things soooo clearly. I realized that our culture is doing so many things wrong. We idealize that chasing accomplishments and achievements will make you happy and worthy, being selfless makes you a hero, constant hustle and grind are more desirable than living a life with passion and soul, and that feelings and dealing with feelings make you weak. When in reality, all of this leads to deep feelings of inadequacy, so much self-abandonment, lack of purpose and fulfillment, and turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms. It crushed my soul to see that most people, myself included, spend our whole lives thinking that this way of living is the “key to a happy life.”

It’s crazy that what we have been promised about “how to live a happy life” actually leads to so much burnout, mental illness, chronic illness, lack of SOUL, lack of purpose, and so much more. I don’t know about you, but to me, that is NOT living. And so I made massive changes and completely shifted my way of thinking…

I started to learn about quantum science and low of attraction. I focused more on radically loving myself, prioritizing joy, embracing healing, being with and learning how to process my emotions in healthy ways, feeling good on a regular basis, and doing things that genuinely light me up! THIS is the new paradigm I am shifting myself and my clients into, and let me tell you… life is so much more meaningful and fulfilling when we prioritize joy and feeling good! And I am truly the happiest and most abundant I have ever been since doing this work! And for me, loving who I see every time I look in the mirror is the ultimate cherry on top!

Finding my power and living a soulful, liberated, and meaningful life!

Even though I followed the roadmap that (if I followed it) promised me a “happy” life, I still wasn’t genuinely happy. Despite doing all the “right things,” I still craved more love, more freedom, more money, more fulfillment, more purpose, and more impact. It wasn’t until I went through my spiritual awakening and healing journey and shifted my way of living and thinking that I was able to actually have all of those things that I craved for so long.

It feels so incredibly empowering and humbling to be able to share my story with you and to give you hope for what is possible, which is a completely new life- one where you are liberated from your past, feel LIT on a regular basis, are excited to wake up everyday, and create and live a life that once felt so impossible to have.

Everyday (yes, you heard me… every single day) I experience joy, bliss, laughter, abundance, purpose, excitement, and love. I am telling you babe- it IS possible to be stoked on life every damn day. This is the new paradigm where YOU get to become the master creator of your reality. Once you do the inner work where we heal and reprogram your brain, you will become MAGNETIC to a life beyond your wildest dreams!

Let’s become magnetic together!

Not only do I LOVE my day to day life, but I am so blessed to have a career that sets my soul on fire! I am in complete awe and gratitude that I get to coach women to be the most epic, badass, authentic, unapologetic, and unstoppable versions of themselves.

Through my coaching and working with the quantum laws of attraction, my clients are:

  • Feeling ALIVE and confident every day

  • manifesting their dream jobs, dream partners, and more money

  • learning to radically love themselves

  • feeling free to express themselves fully

  • becoming more present as moms and partners

  • healing from past wounds and toxic relationships

  • overcoming negative behavioral loops and patterns

  • overcoming depression, anxiety, and obsessive thoughts

  • and MORE

I was you just a few years ago, and I am living proof that life gets to be way better (and easier)! I am the example for women, just like you, that healing and saying YES to your SOUL is the recipe for a dreamy life!

Through my holistic healing work and the healthy rituals I practice daily, my life has gone from pain to PURPOSE and MAGIC. And I would be so honored and excited to have the opportunity to help you take your life from pain and plain to EXCITING and LEGENDARY!

EVERY area of my life has completely transformed because of this work. And your’s can too! I’m ready to get started when you are… Let’s do this!

To learn more about me, be sure to head to my Instagram page where I post content daily!